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The 10-minute consultation: dyslipidaemia

Advisory board: G De Backer M Kirby MG O'Gara M Mead
The format of the books look very good and I am sure will be received positively by our GPs.
Product manager for a lipid-lowering therapy, UK
At the very least I think these books will be a fantastic resource for our reps.
Product manager for a lipid-lowering therapy, Australia
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Lipid disorders are a major, treatable cause of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Knowledge of the various types of dyslipidaemia, genetic and acquired, is therefore important and measurement of the lipid profile is an integral component of risk prediction in primary prevention and management in both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. A better understanding of the concept of risk, and what the benefits of prevention are, also means a more motivated patient.

The 10-minute consultation: dyslipidaemia is a concise and accessible resource on screening, diagnosing and managing lipid disorders in primary care. It is designed for the busy clinician, not only easy to read, but also simple to dip in and out of, with index tabs and evidence-based drug reference tables that offer a wealth of information at your fingertips.

The clinician's manual can be used in the clinic and for studying, containing targeted guidance on all aspects of the primary care clinician's role. Written by experienced key opinion leaders, the book supports everyday patient care and improved outcomes.

Guy De Backer is a leading epidemiologist on cardiovascular disease and academic cardiologist in Europe. At the time of writing, he was Professor and Director of the Department of Public Health, Ghent University and Director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre, University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium.

Michael Kirby is a general practitioner at The Nevells Road Surgery in Letchworth, UK, and Director of HertNet, The Hertfordshire Primary Care Research Network.

M. Geraldine O'Gara is a general practitioner at the Small Heath Medical Practice in Birmingham, UK.

Mike Mead is a general practitioner at the Park Drive Health Centre in Leicester, UK.

If you are interested in The 10-minute consultation: dyslipidaemia, you might also be interested in the following titles:
Evidence & Efficacy: Lipid-Modifying Therapy
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  • Paperback: 96 pages
  • Published: 26 Feb 2007
  • Languages: English, Greek, Spanish, Turkish
  • ISBN: 9781905982011
  • Product dimensions: 110 x 190 mm (4.3 x 7.5 inches)
  • Ebook: PDF

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